A Good Problem to Have

It’s a good problem to have, I guess. Come Thanksgiving I will have 20 podcast episodes recorded for the upcoming months.

The problem? Lots of things.

ONE: some of these were recorded in the SPRING before my dad passed away. I had a whole bunch recorded that I put on hold after his passing when I shut the podcast down for the Summer. I started dropping those in September on a bi-weekly basis and am STILL (believe it or not!) dropping them almost halfway through November.

TWO: starting last month (in October) I began recording episodes that I had CANCELLED over the Summer (that I rescheduled for the Fall) along with other guests I had planned to record with in the Fall because of book releases and things like that.

And so … now? THREE: I find myself sitting on a mountain of amazing recordings from the Spring and the last couple of months AND am recording a few other new ones before December when I take a month long break from recording, turning the mic back on in January to record MORE conversations I had rescheduled from the Summer along with some that I wanted to get to this Fall but didn’t have the chance.

FOUR: I need to start pushing recordings back. Like, way back. As much as I would love to record with someone in January, the reality is that (at this pace) the episode might not drop until June or July.


FIVE: if you reach out to me to pitch your book or a potential podcast convo (or I reach out to you), I will more than likely really WANT TO talk with you ASAP … but will position some dates for February/March/April.


There are exceptions, of course. For example, Nicole LePera (aka the Holistic Psychologist) has a book coming out in November and we’re recording THIS WEEK. Even so, I agreed to move things around to drop her episode ASAP to help promote her book. If you have a need like that, I’m happy to help out if I can.)

All that said, the upcoming months will be fun. I will continue to drop episodes every Monday and then once we hit the New Year I will do a series called “NEW IDEAS FOR THE NEW YEAR” where we will drop 8 episodes over the course of 8 days.


January 1 - January 8 will see a new episode drop every day with topics ranging from theology to Buddhism to Astrology to Tarot to Oneness and Unity and … all sorts of things. Lots of NEW ideas to help us kick off a brand NEW (amazing!) YEAR.


Well, not only will this help me get caught up a little bit, but it will also get some really good convos out that I’ve been sitting on for a long time. Part of me feels a bit bad that people have taken the time to talk with me and I have yet to release the conversations, but at the same time - it’s not that I’ve been lazy or haven’t wanted to put the material out (obviously!), it’s just that I haven’t had the space in the podcast schedule to get these recordings out into the universe. There's only one Monday a week!


And so after the New Years series through June-ish we’ll continue to drop one new episode a week and every once in a while I might toss a second one into mix, as well.

AND THEN once we get to the Summer I will probably do a “replay series” where we replay the 8 episodes we’re dropping in January so that we make sure they get some extra air time since I’ve been sitting on them for so long.

Phew - still with me?


Oh, and one other thing - grief is still beautifully messy, you know? The other week I had 2 podcasts scheduled to record and on Monday I was feeling so down and all over the place that I postponed them both (again). The guests are incredibly understanding, but there are days where I realize that the “plans” I made when I was feeling good on a particular day a month ago aren’t going to pan out the way I hoped come the day of. I’m doing my best to prioritize my own mental health and so if postponing needs to happen, it needs to happen. And if someone doesn’t understand, they don’t understand.



All in all, though, it’s a good problem to have. I’m SO grateful for the people who reach out to ME to come on the show and the people who say YES to my invitations - absolutely MIND-BLOWING. I just wanted to make ya’ll aware that if you reach out to come on the show (or I reach out to you!) I MIGHT have to push our chat back to February/March/April and this is my attempt to explain why!

Thanks for the love and support, y’all are amazing.

Glenn Siepert