Join Our Fall Book Club!

Hello Friends!

We've been talking over in our Patreon Discord Community about doing another Book Club and decided to go with "Life After God" by Mark Feldmeir (click the title to read about / purchase the book). It's about coming to grips with the "god" we no longer believe in and making space for imagining what God might really be like. This book is a mix of Rob Bell, Richard Rohr, and peppered with some Bart Ehrman. 

It's really well done and Mark has agreed to hop on Zoom with us when we're done reading to field our questions!

Want in?

Paid Substack Readers AND Patreon Supporters are invited. However, if you can’t swing the $3+ a month for Patreon or $7 for Substack but want to be part of the fun, I understand - just message me and I’ll invite you in with no questions asked.

Anyways, here's what I'm thinking. There are 8 chapters in the book and we'll read 1 chapter a week ... 

Week of September 10 - Chapter 1 

Week of September 17 - Chapter 2 

Week of September 24 - Chapter 3 

Week of October 1 - Chapter 4 

Week of October 8 - Chapter 5 

Week of October 15 - Chapter 6 

Week of October 22 - Chapter 7 

Week of October 29 - Chapter 8 

And then we'll have our Zoom call with Mark sometime the week of November 5 or 12. I am aiming for one of those Sundays (morning or evening EST), but he is involved in church ministry so it might not work for him - if you sign up, I'll keep you posted. 

As for our discussion, I will make a separate Discord channel (separate from our main one) so we can direct our book conversation there. At the end of the book are study group questions and so I'll just post a question in there every week to get the ball rolling and we'll see where it goes. 

Discord is pretty cool as there are multiple ways to communicate. So you can type responses or leave a voice recording - whatever is easiest for you.

Also, as with everything we do - this is a zero pressure thing. If you say "yes" and can only be involved a little bit, that's cool. I'm with you! I am taking one Patrons advice and taking off my pastor hat for things, including this. I'll share my ideas and thoughts like I do in Discord, but the discussion will be as active as we make it - I won't force discussion to happen other than tossing out a question or 2 every week and responding to people when I can. So feel free to sign up even if you can only read a little bit here and there, you're welcome to be involved anyways. 

SO - email me at (or fill out the form below) and let me know if you want to be part of the Book Club and I'll make a Discord channel for it shortly before we start chapter 1 and invite you in. 



Glenn Siepert