Time Goes Fast (Quick Thoughts, PT. 1)

Checking in from work, on a 15 minute break and typing on my phone. I’m going to try to do more of this in 2020 - share some quick thoughts with you, share with you things I’m pondering during these quiet pauses in my day.

Right now?

I’m pondering how fast time goes and how easy it is to miss the things and times that matter the most.

My daughter, for instance, is 2 1/2. She’s already had 3 Christmases, is coming up on her 3rd birthday, and is developing her own personality, likes, dislikes, etc.

Sometimes I’ll find myself in the midst of making a memory with her and I will think to myself, “I wonder how much longer she’ll want to do this with me?”

Cuddle on the couch and watch Toy Story?

Build towers out of blocks?

Play with her dolls?

Fill the sink with bubbles?

And then I’ll find myself faced with a decision - will I (1) wallow in sadness as I envision the sand of our time together slipping through my fingers or (2) allow the quickness of the moment to fuel me into becoming fully alive so I can fully embrace all that the making of that memory holds for us?

Will I stay in the sadness or will I transition into joy?

Life is short, my friends. Let’s allow the shortness to help us become more alive and alert during the times that matter most.

Much love,

Glenn Siepert